
Bizfon Manual I: Installation Guide Step 2.2: System Configuration Wizard
DHCP Settings for the LAN Interface
If the DHCP server is enabled, the Bizfon will automatically assign dynamic IP addresses to
the stations connected to its LAN port.
If you didn’t change the default LAN IP address of the Bizfon, you also may leave the de-
fault values for the IP Address Range. Make sure your connected LAN devices belong to
the same network as the LAN port of your Bizfon.
Please Note: Make sure there is only one DHCP server on the LAN, otherwise, unpredict-
able network behavior can occur.
Fig. I-12: DHCP Settings for the LAN Interface page
Click on Next to display the Regional Settings page.
Regional Settings
If your Bizfon is located outside of the United States, it is important to properly configure
your line connections to the PSTN in your location.
Fig. I-13: Regional Settings page
Proper configuration of Regional Settings is important for the functionality of the voice sub-
system. The Regional Settings determine the proper telephony parameters on the LINE
(ISDN) and PHONE ports of the Bizfon for the specified country. Select the country where
the Bizfon is located. If you do not find your country in the list, pick the closest in your time-
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