
This menu allows you to tell your preamplifier how you would like each input to operate. You may repeat the
following steps for each input by changing inputs on the top line of the menu or with the supplied remote
1. Default Audio Modes - There are two major categories of audio, 2-channel and 5.1 multi-channel. Two
channel audio might come from an analog VCR, a PCM CD or a Dolby Digital 2.0 DVD. The first three selec-
tions in this menu for Default Mode, Default Speakers and 2-chan Decoder apply only to 2-channel audio.
The Default Mode defines the listening mode the preamplifier will select when the input is first chosen. This
default audio mode defines how you usually prefer to listen to a particular input. Do I usually listen to my
satellite preamplifier with some sort of surround processing (Pro Logic IIx or NEO:6)? Do I like my CDs in
pure stereo mode? Here is where you can set this up. The audio mode can be manually changed to a
different listening mode for a particular movie or CD, but the preamplifier will always remember your favorite
(default) mode that is set here. There are five audio modes in total; Mono, Stereo, Surround, Cinema or DVD-
Audio. Each audio mode can be configured for each input for the number of speakers and 2-channel
decoder used. See page 45 for a description of how to use each audio mode.
2. Default speaker Selections - A speaker selection setting can be
made for each audio mode. Do I like 2 channel material played back in
a five speaker configuration, or expanded to include the surround back
speakers? Do I like stereo in pure 2-channel or spread out to the center
and/or surround speakers? Set mono to 1, stereo to 2, surround to 7
and the system will remember each setting independently per each
input. The default speaker selection will be chosen each time the input
is selected. The speaker selection can be manually changed to a
different speaker selection for a particular movie or CD at any time. The
preamplifier will always remember the favorite selections that are set
here. See page 47 for a detailed description of speaker selections.
If a speaker selection is chosen that is not possible based on the information you entered in the Speaker
Setup Menu, the preamplifier will automatically correct for this with no loss of audio information.
3. 2-Channel Matrix Decoders - Your preamplifier includes the latest 2-channel surround decoders from
Dolby and DTS. Do you usually like your CDs in DTS NEO:6 Music?; Your 2-channel DVDs in Dolby Pro
Logic IIx Movie? You can choose your favorite (default) decoder here for each input. If you don't like that
mode for some particular CD, you can manually change to a different mode using the SR10.1 remote
supplied. The preamplifier will always remember your favorite settings for each input.
4. Multi-Channel Filter Types - When the preamplifier detects multi-channel Dolby Digital or DTS material it
will automatically choose to use all of the available speakers in the system. (It is important to configure the
preamplifier for how many speakers there are in the speaker setup menus).
There are some choices for multi-channel audio. Do I like my DTS CDs in Surround Music? Do I like my 5.1
movies in Surround Movie? The preference can be set here. The multi-channel listening mode can be
manually changed for a particular movie or CD. The preamplifier will always remember the favorite multi-
channel mode that is set here. See page 8 for descriptions of multi-channel modes.
5. Level - Each input gain can be adjusted +/- 6dB. Occasionally certain source devices, particularly analog
sources, will have higher or lower than normal output levels. This setting allows the level to be adjusted so
that there are no drastic volume changes when you switch inputs. Try a few different discs or channels before
adjusting the level. It might be that a particular station has high or low output level rather than the entire satel-
lite receiver.
11 DDeeffaauulltt MMooddee SSuurrrroouunndd
22 DDeeffaauulltt SSppeeaakkeerrss 66
33 22--cchhaann ddeeccooddeerr DDPPLLIIIIxx MMoovviiee
44 MMuullttii--cchhaann ttyyppee SSuurrrr MMoovviiee
55 LLeevveell ++22..55 ddBB
66 NNaammee DDVVDD
77 CCoommppoonneenntt VViiddeeoo 11
88 DDVVDD AAuuddiioo IInnppuutt YYeess
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