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Page 33
Software Upgrade
Figure 12.
Remote control session with LAL diagram
• dsl set loopback lal: do not issue this command over the RCS to the far-end
LB510A-R2. if the far-end goes into Local Analog Loopback (LAL), the near-end
and far-end LB510A-R2 NTU’s can no longer communicate over the RCS.
The software upgrade feature is available through BOOTP/TFTP. The software
upgrade takes approximately 2-3 minutes to complete. To upgrade the software:
1. Connect to the LB510A-R2 via the Ethernet management port and a Telnet ses-
2. Enter the sy
stem show info command to view the unit’s MAC address.
3. Configure a BOOTP/TFTP server and enter the sy
stem upgrade / yes command
to begin the upgrade.
4. Alternatively, you may enter the sy
stem upgrade <TFTP server IP
address>:/<filename> command to begin the upgrade.
After approximately 2-3 minutes, the LB510A-R2 will operate with the upgraded soft-
Do not issue this command to a far-end unit. if you were to do so,
the near-end LB510A-R2 would no longer be able to communicate
with the far-end LB510A-R2.