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724-746-5500 | blackbox.com
Chapter 5: Web Management
AP Client
• Connect to Existing AP: Input the SSID of home Wi-Fi AP you want to connect.
• Encryption: You can select “Disable” or WEP/WPA/WPA2 64-bit or 128-bit in an ASCII or HEX string.
• Key: If Encryption is enabled, you have to set key value according to the encryption mode you selected.
• Press the “Apply” button, and follow the reboot instructions to make it work.
Gatekeeper is designed to ensure the enterprise network security within the WHPS box.
• “All Block” can block Guest Users (through wireless) from accessing all office networks (LANs).
• “All Allow” can pass Guest Users (through wireless) to access all office networks.
• “Internet Only” can block Guest Users (through wireless) from office networks (LANs) but still reserve internet connection
Apply: Press the “Apply” button to select this mode.
Cancel: Press the “Cancel” button to abort action.
5.4.4 OSD Setup
Click on the “OSD Setup” button to change the OSD standby image or set splash screen information.
Figure 5-9. OSD setup screen.
Change Logo Image
• Logo Image: File name of OSD, default setting is “default.”
• Image File Upload: Upload the customized OSD standby image. (JPG file, maximum file size is 510K. Recommended image
resolution: 1024 x 768.)