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Chapter 4: Security
4.6 AAA
This section shows you how to use an AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting) server to provide access control to your
network. The AAA server can be a TACACS+ or RADIUS server to create and manage objects that contain settings for using AAA
4.6.1 Configuration
This section describes how to configure an AAA setting of TACACS+ or RADIUS server.
Web Interface
To configure a Common Configuration of AAA in the Web interface:
1. Set Timeout (Default is 15 seconds).
2. Set Dead Time (Default is 300 seconds).
To configure a TACACS+ Authorization and Accounting Configuration of AAA in the Web interface:
1. Select “Enabled” in the Authorization.
2. Select “Enabled” in the Failback to Local Authorization.
3. Select “Enabled” in the Account.
To configure a RADIUS Authentication Server Configuration of AAA in the Web interface:
1. Check “Enabled”.
2. Specify IP address or Hostname for Radius Server.
3. Specify Authentication Port for Radius Server (Default is 1812).
4. Specify the Secret with Radius Server.
To configure a RADIUS Accounting Server Configuration of AAA in the Web interface:
1. Check “Enabled”.
2. Specify IP address or Hostname for Radius Server.
3. Specify Accounting Port for Radius Server (Default is 1813).
4. Specify the Secret with Radius Server.
To configure a TACACS+ Authentication Server Configuration of AAA in the Web interface:
1. Check “Enabled”.
2. Specify IP address or Hostname for TACACS+ Server.
3. Specify Authentication Port for TACACS+ Server (Default is 49).
4. Specify the Secret with TACACS+ Server.
Figure 4-14. The Common Server Configuration screen.