Chapter 4: Install the High-Density Media Converter System II Layer 2
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4.4 Auto Negotiation on High-Density Media Converter System II Layer 2
L2 modules include the feature Auto Negotiation. When Auto Negotiation is
enabled, the module negotiates as a 100 Mbps full-duplex device. If the
connected device can operate at 100 Mbps full-duplex, a link is established.
Auto Negotiation (DIP Switch #1) is enabled by default.
If the twisted pair port on the other device does not have the ability to Auto
Negotiate or if the 100 Mbps half-duplex connection is desired, then Auto
Negotiation must be disabled. Half- and full-duplex settings must be set
manually and match on both devices.
The following diagram shows a typical application and with three possible
Switch TX/FX
Half-Duplex Configure
HDX manually
Auto Negotiation is
Full-Duplex Configure
FDX manually
Auto Negotiation is
Full-Duplex Auto
Negotiation is
Auto Negotiation is
Configure Auto Negotiation on a L2 by adjusting the DIP Switch setting (for
unmanaged modules) or via the management software. Refer to the DIP
Switch table for switch location and settings.
4.5 AutoCross Feature for Twisted Pair Connection
All twisted pair ports on the L2 includes AutoCross, a feature that automatically
selects between a crossover workstation and a straight-through connection
depending on the connected device.