
CHAPTER 7: Callback Security and Remote Configuration
Change LOGIN Password #I
The default LOGIN password for your Series II Modem is "BLACK
BOX". If you choose to activate callback security, you should change the
LOGIN password using this command in the following format:
AT#Ixxxxxxxxxx<CR> (where xxxxxxxxxx is the current LOGIN
Your modem will respond with "OK", indicating that you can enter the
new LOGIN password as follows:
You can select any combination of keyboard characters (upper/lower
case sensitive) between six and ten characters long.
Change SETUP Password #S
The default SETUP password for your Series II Modem is
"MODEMSETUP". If you choose to activate callback security, you should
change the SETUP password using this command in the following
AT#Stttttttttt<CR> (where tttttttttt is the current SETUP password)
Your modem will respond with "OK", indicating that you can enter the
new SETUP password as follows:
You can select any combination of keyboard characters (upper/lower
case sensitive) between six and ten characters long.
Erase Callback Password #RCBNxx
This command erases the single callback password specified by xx
(0 through 29).
Erase Callback Phone Number #RDNxx
This command erases the single phone number specified by xx
(0 through 29).