
Modem 34336
S3 — Carriage Return. Register S3 is effective for asynchronous operation
only. Normally, the ASCII carriage-return value, 13, is used.
S4 — Line Feed. This register is effective for asynchronous operation only.
The line-feed character follows the carriage return only when word result
codes are selected (command V1). Line feed can be changed to a null but
cannot be totally disabled.
• S5 — Backspace. This register is effective for asynchronous operation only.
The value in S5 defines the backspace character. Do not use values
between 33 and 126.
S6 — Blind-Dialing Wait Time. The value in S6 determines how long the
Modem waits after picking up the telephone line (going off-hook) before
beginning to dial. If S6 is set for less than 2 seconds, the modem waits 2
seconds before dialing. If the X2 or X4 command is in effect, dial-tone
detection is enabled and blind dialing is disabled, meaning the value in
S6 has no effect.
• S7 — Carrier/Dial-Tone Wait Time. This register controls two wait times—
wait time for carrier and, if W is included in the dial string, wait time for
dial tone (or wait time for silence if @ is used).
• S8 — Pause Time. Register S8 controls the pause time effected by a
comma in a dial string or other command line.
• S9 — Carrier Detect Response Time. Register S9 determines how long a
carrier tone must be present for the Modem to recognize the tone and
indicate a carrier detect. (The time required for the absence of a carrier
tone to be recognized is fixed at 0.5 seconds.)
• S10 — Loss Of Carrier Delay. The value in register S10 determines the
length of the delay from the occurrence of a loss of carrier until the
Modem hangs up the telephone line. A value of 255 disables the Modem’s
carrier disconnect option (and line-current disconnect option), meaning
the Modem will not hang up in the absence of carrier or line current.
S11 — Tones. This register sets the spacing of tones used for dialing. The
rate is slowed by increasing the value of S11 to the maximum value, 255.
This register has no effect on pulse dialing, which is fixed at 10 pulses
per second.
S12 — Guard Time. This register is effective for asynchronous operation
only. The escape guard-time delay is required immediately before and
after entering the escape code; therefore, the three escape-code
characters must be entered within the guard time delay of each other.
The unit for this register is 1/50 second (or 20 ms), meaning the default
value of 50 equals 1 second.