
Black Box Modular Switches
Installation and User Guide (8/99)
nodes are added or removed or moved from one segment to another, the 4
-Port Switch
automatically keeps up with node locations.
An address-aging algorithm causes least-used addresses to fall out in favor of new
-used addresses. To reset the address buffer, cycle power down-and-up.
Status LEDs
For all LE14XXA-Series models :
PWR : Power LED, ON when AC power is applied to the unit.
LK : Steady ON, Link status for 10 Mbps and 100Mbps operation.
ACT : ON with port activity for 10 Mbps and 100Mbps operation.
F/H : Full / Half duplex LED, ON when the port is running full duplex, OFF
for half duplex.
100/10 : Speed LED, ON when the speed is 100Mbps , OFF when the speed is
10 Mbps
Up-link push-button, for RJ-45 4-port only
Figure 4.3 : Up-link push-
button on RJ
-45 4-port
The unit has a manual Up-link
-button, located on the front panel next to 10/100Mb RJ-45 4-port # 1 which it controls. It
enables the port’s cable to either connect to a user station node (push in) or to be cascaded (push
out) to a 10/100Mb repeater or swi
tching hub in the network. Verify proper Up-link push-
button position by noting Port 1’s LK (link) LED status, which is illuminated when a proper
link is made.
Auto-negotiation, for Fast Ethernet copper ports
The LE14XXA-Series Fast Ethernet copper ports can be set for either fixed 100Mb
speed or for 10/100 F/H N
-way auto-negotiation per the IEEE802.3u standard. The selection is
made via an internal jumper (see Section 3.4 for jumper
-setting instructions). The factory default
setting is for auto
-negotiation. At 100Mb-fixed speed, the user may select half- or full-duplex
mode by internal jumpers for each RJ
-45 port separately.
100/10 FDX/HDX
1 2 3 4