Common Power Output Problems – 115 Volt AC
Possible Cause Recommendations
Red battery status LED indicator is Unit is in charging mode. For optimum
flashing and there is no output results, allow unit to complete charging
cycle before using.
Battery Status LED indicators are Charging is complete, disconnect
all lit, but there is no output charging adapter from unit and wall
receptacle. Wait 5 minutes before using
Inverter sudden shutdown, Overload condition, reduce load to a
Inverter Status LED is lit red maximum of 16 watts and attempt a
and green Battery Status LEDs are lit manual reset
Inverter Status LED is lit red Unit shutdown from overload or
and green Battery Status LEDs are lit, fault condition, attempt manual
but there is no AC power reset and reduce load
LED indicators are off, Hold ON/OFF pushbutton for at
unit may not be in the ON position least 1 second to turn unit ON
Unit shuts down after a few Internal battery pack needs
minutes, internal battery voltage recharging, refer to charging
is low instructions on page 7
Common Power Output Problems – USB Outlet
Possible Cause Recommendations
No power from USB port Hold ON/OFF Pushbutton for at least 1
second to turn unit on.
Device connected to USB port Be sure device can be charged through
is not charging USB Port and current draw is not larger
than 350 mA
For assistance with your product, visit our website www.blackanddecker.com for
the location of the service center nearest you or call the BLACK & DECKER help
line at 1-800-544-6986.
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