Note: All operating time curves assume permanent installation with the appropriate DC input wire (See the
“Specifications” section of this Instruction Manual) and a full charge on the batteries.
For example, as shown in the above graph, using a 400 A/h battery (batteries), if the average power usage will
be 1000 watts, the operating time will be about 150 minutes. A larger capacity battery will deliver more
operating time between recharges.
Note: The manufacturer recommends conservative estimates when selecting a battery. More amp hours will
deliver a reserve capacity, and a larger capacity battery will not be subject to deep discharges. Ideally, the
number of amp hours (A/h) you expect to use should be less than 50% of the battery’s rated capacity.
Protective Features
An audible alarm will sound when the 12 volt DC power supply voltage drops down to 10.5 ± 0.3 volts. This
indicates that the battery needs to be charged or there is an excessive voltage drop between the battery power
source and the inverter.
Notes: It is normal for the alarm to sound when the inverter is being connected to, or disconnected from, a 12
volt DC power source. This does not indicate a problem. However, if this alarm sounds continuously,
discontinue inverter operation and charge the battery before resuming operation. If the voltage drops to
10.0 volts DC, the inverter will automatically shut down. If the low voltage alarm sounds when the battery
is fully charged refer to the “Troubleshooting” section of this Instruction Manual).
The inverter has electronic circuit protection against overload or short circuit conditions.
If turning the ON/OFF Switch OFF then ON again does not reset the inverter, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPEN THE
INVERTER. Opening the inverter for any reason will void the warranty. The unit must be returned to Vector
Manufacturing for testing and repair by professional factory technicians.
MAXX SST™ inverters will provide you with continuous electrical power when powered by a 12 volt DC source,
such as a vehicle battery or a multiple battery configuration (see the diagram under “Battery Configuration,”
page 6). This manual does not describe all of the possible configurations.
Operating Environment
Do not locate inverters in an area, room or compartment where explosives or flammable fumes might be
present, such as engine rooms, engine compartments, and boats or small, unvented battery compartments.
To avoid possible dangerous conditions, the inverters must be located where:
1. The unit is kept dry;
2. Air temperature is between 30°F (–1°C), non-condensing, and 105° F (40°C);
Power Level
100 10
200 20
300 30
400 40
500 50
600 60
700 70
800 80
900 90
1000 100
50 A/h
120 A/h
200 A/h
400 A/h
Minutes 15 30 45 80 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 235 240
Battery Operating Times
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