Descriptions of Batch Report JCL Statements
All the JCL statements are described in Table 12 below.
Table 12. JCL Statements for CMFMON Batch Reports
JCL Statement Description
//CMONBAT EXEC Required; specifies the program name (CMBRPORT) for CMFMON batch reports.
//STEPLIB DD Required if hilevel.BBLINK is not in the LINKLIST; specifies a partitioned data set that
contains the CMF load modules.
//CMF79IN DD Optional; defines the input data sets for your CMFMON batch reports. If you want your
reports to contain either realtime data or data from the XDS data buffer, you must omit
this statement.
//SYSIN DD Defines the location of the control statements needed to specify the reports to be
produced. See “Using Control Statements” for more information.
//SYSPRINT DD Defines a print file or an output data set for:
• An echo of the input control statements.
• Messages generated while control statements are processed.
If you define an output data set, it must be allocated with the following characteristics:
//CMF79MSG DD Optional; defines an output data set for messages while formatting reports. If this
statement is not specified, the data set is dynamically allocated to the sysout class
specified by the SYSOUT parameter of the GLOBAL control statement.
//SYSUDUMP DD Defines an output data set for dumps.