To next speaker
From amp
Jumper has been removed
Jumper stored here for safe keeping
Total load impedance can be calculated this way:
Rs is the impedance of the speaker, for the A12 it is equal to 16 ohms.
Note: If all speakers are the same Rs , it is simply:
Low-impedance amplifiers have power ratings based on driving a particular load
impedance, typically a 4-ohm load. Some rate power into an 8-ohm load. If the
speaker load’s impedance is greater than the amplifier’s rated impedance, the
speaker will not consume the amplifier’s total rated power. Since the A12 is a
16-ohm speaker, operating a single A12 with an amplifier rated for 4 ohms will
result in the A12 speaker consuming only 1/4 of the amplifier’s maximum capac-
ity. Likewise a single A12 will consume only 1/2 of the power capacity of an am-
plifier’s 8-ohm power rating. Most real world applications will require more
than a single A12, and paralleling the speakers will decrease the total impedance
of the load as mentioned above.
(1/Rs + 1/Rs ... 1/Rs)