DCN Next Generation Automatic Camera Control en | 4
1 Automatic camera control
1.1 About Automatic Camera Control
1.1.1 What is Automatic Camera Control?
The Automatic Camera Control software is designed
to interface DCN Next Generation congress systems
with Bosch Allegiant switchers or a single Bosch
AutoDome camera. It selects fixed or pre-positioned
cameras to be activated to display the current active
speaker at a conference.
1.1.2 Camera Control in congress applications
When a chairman’s or delegate’s microphone is
activated on the equipment, the camera assigned to
that position is activated. When no microphones are
active, an overview camera is automatically selected.
The image can be displayed on hall displays or other
monitors together with information about the current
speaker if required (such as delegate identification).
The system operator has a monitor, which also
displays information about which camera is active.
This system provides an extra dimension to congress
and conference proceedings.
i Note
The Allegiant video control switcher cannot
display graphic characters that are used in
certain non-European and non-US languages
such as Chinese.
1.2 Stand-alone and PC controlled
system versions
There are two versions of DCN Automatic Camera
Control software:
• PC controlled version is for systems with a CCU
and a control PC. The activation and installation
of the cameras is integrated into the PC control
• Standalone version is for stand-alone systems
without PC control.
1.2.1 Differences between stand-alone and PC
controlled systems
The main difference is that the stand-alone version
operates without a control PC. A PC needs only be
connected for programming the CCU. The PC
running the stand-alone software is disconnected
from the CCU after the software has been used, but
in a DCN Next Generation system with control PC,
the PC remains connected to the CCU.
There are also minor differences in functionality
between the two software versions. These are
described elsewhere in this manual.
1.3 Overview of Automatic Camera
An overview of the procedure for using the
Automatic Camera Control software is given below.
1.3.1 Systems using Control PC
The Automatic Camera Control software is installed
on the control PC. The control PC is connected to
the CCU, which in turn is connected to delegates’
contribution units. The CCU is also connected to a
single AutoDome camera or an Allegiant video
switcher, which in turn is connected to the cameras
and monitors in the system. After connecting the
system, the Automatic Camera Control software is
used to configure the cameras. The control PC
remains connected to the CCU while the system is
being used.
1.3.2 Stand-alone systems
In stand-alone systems, a temporary PC connection
to the CCU and AutoDome camera or Allegiant
video switcher is needed during camera installation.
The numbers assigned to the contribution units
during system initialisation are coupled to camera
positions. After configuration is complete, the PC is
disconnected from the system, and a direct
connection from the CCU to the AutoDome camera
or the Allegiant video switcher is made. Operational
camera control by the CCU is enabled during
installation. To disable operational camera control, it
is necessary to re-connect the installation PC and
open the Camera Installation file.
i Note
For details on connections refer to the DCN
Next Generation Installation and User
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