14 en | Analog Camera Firmware Updates via the CTFID
F.01U.097.269 | 4.0 | 2012.02 Firmware Update Manual Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
2.4.2 Uploading an AutoDome 600 or MIC Series 550 Service Pack
The firmware upgrade process requires updates to one or all of the following files:
The next sections contain information and instructions you need before upgrading an
AutoDome 600 or a MIC Series 550 with the CTFID application.
2.4.3 Order to Upload Files
There is a specific order in which service pack files must be uploaded to the camera. Before
starting a firmware upgrade, note the current firmware version of your camera listed in the
CTFID Device Information window.
Use the following file order to upload firmware to the AutoDome:
1. SC Boot: You must first upload the SC Boot file if the service pack contains a version of
the file greater than the installed version. The boot files are stored in a separate Boot
directory. Always check for and install this file before before installing the System
Configuration (SC) Main file.
Note: The SC Boot upload process erases the resident SC Main components, which
completely disables the AutoDome. When you upload the SC Boot files the CTFID
displays a message notifying the installer that the SC Main files must be reinstalled.
2. G5 Main, MIC Main: Upload this file after uploading the SC Boot file. If the service pack
does not contain an SC Boot update, you should upload the G5 Main file first.
3. FPGA: This file is uploaded along with the G5 Main or MIC Main file.
4. Language: Certain service packs include an optional language upgrade file used to update
the camera’s on-screen display menus. Upload this firmware file last.
File Name Function
SCBootApp.g4i Updates the system controller boot firmware.
Updates the system controller firmware.
FPGA_SC.g4i Updates the FPGA chip.
FPGA_VCA.g4i Updates the FPGA chip.
VCA_boot.g4i Updates PTZ camera Video Content Analysis firmware. Install this file during
the installation of the SCBoot.g4i file.
VCA_app.g4i Updates PTZ camera Video Content Analysis firmware. Install this file during
the installation of the SCMain.g4i file.
language_Lang Uploads an additional language file for the AutoDome on-screen display