Applications Manual Bosch Greenstar | 3
Bosch Thermotechnology Corp.
Data subject to change
Table of Contents
1 Information about the appliance 4
1.1 Boiler types and sizes 4
1.2 FW200 Boiler Energy Management 5
1.3 FB100 Remote Control & Room Sensor 6
1.4 IPM2 Space Heating Module 7
1.5 ISM2 Solar Module 8
2 Applications 9
Legend 9
List of most common applications 10
Boiler pump capacity in single zone systems 11
Single Zone Baseboard Systems:
2.1 System 1: Greenstar Heating Boiler in a
single zone system 13
2.2 System 2: Greenstar Combi Boiler in a
single zone system 17
2.3 System 3: Greenstar Heating Boiler in a single
zone system with DHW tank loading 21
2.4 System 4: Greenstar Heating Boiler in a single
zone system with solar thermal DHW and
boiler backup 25
Single Zone Systems with Primary/Secondary Piping:
2.5 System 5: Greenstar Heating Boiler in a
single zone system 29
2.6 System 6: Greenstar Combi Boiler in a
single zone system 33
2.7 System 7: Greenstar Heating Boiler in a single
zone system with DHW tank loading 37
2.8 System 8: Greenstar Heating Boiler in a single
zone system with room thermostat and DHW
tank loading 41
2.9 System 9: Greenstar Heating Boiler in a single
zone system with solar thermal DHW and
boiler backup 45
Multi-zone Systems with Primary/Secondary Piping:
2.10 System 10: Greenstar Heating Boiler with
zone pumps and room thermostats 49
2.11 System 11: Greenstar Heating Boiler with
zone pumps, room thermostats and DHW
tank loading 53
2.12 System 12: Greenstar Heating Boiler with
zone valves and room thermostats 57