Access Control Interface Module Strike Profile | en 11
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Program Entry Guide F.01U.201.526 | 02 | 2011.10
Yes Programmed shunt time will activate so door can be manually opened.
No Request to Enter [RTE] automatically activates the programmed strike and shunt time.
Use this program item to disable the strike, but still activate the programmed shunt time upon
a Request to Exit an area.
Yes Programmed shunt time will activate so door can be manually opened.
No Request to Exit [REX] automatically activates the programmed strike and shunt time.
Use this parameter when a user can open a door manually without relying on a token/card to
activate the strike (such as with a “push bar”).
When RTE Shunt Only is [Yes] Request To Enter events are not logged, reported, or printed.
D# REXShunt Only?
Default: No
Selections: Yes or No
When REX Shunt Only is [Yes] Request To Exit events are not logged, reported, or printed.