A Special Message
to Our Customers
Dear Bosch Oven Owner:
Thank you and congratulations on the purchase of
your Bosch oven.
Whether you are an expert chef or an aspiring cook, we know that
your new oven will exceed your expectations. Decades of knowledge
and experience are built into this oven making it among the highest
quality, most versatile and most efficient available.
We ask that you read this manual thoroughly before using your new
oven. Please pay particular attention to the Safety Precautions printed
at the front of this book and the numerous safety hints and cautions
placed throughout. Also, be sure to familiarize yourself with the proper
operation of the oven and its cleaning and maintenance procedures.
Adherence to these instructions and procedures will assure that you
realize the full potential of your new Bosch oven as well as maintain it
for years of dependable use.
Thank you and good cooking,
BSH Home Appliances
Bosch Oven Introduction