DCN Next Generation Video Display en | 11
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2005 January | 9922 141 70451
At least one of the voting applications is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to
Topic = VOTING, data-item = TOTGRP##
Returns the number of delegates participating in a vote for group number ##.
“group name, present, not voted”
group name
the name of group number ##.
## is a number in the range 0-32. If 0 is used the group name is
always “ALL” and the other fields refer to the total number
present and not voted.
the number of delegates in this group who are present
not voted
indication how many did not vote.
At least one of the voting applications is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to
“On”. Unless TOTGRP0 is requested the vote must be an open vote.
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ANSGRP##
Returns for all possible answers the number of delegates in group ## who selected that answer.
“group name, legend 1, votes 1, legend 2, votes 2, ...”
group name
the name of group number ##.
## is a number in the range 0-32. If 0 is used the group name is
always “ALL” and the other fields refer to the total number
present and not voted.
legend X
the legend text of answer X
votes X
the number of delegates in the group who selected that answer.
At least one of the voting applications is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to
“On”. Unless ANSGRP0 is requested the vote must be an open vote.
Topic = VOTING, data-item = VOTGRP##
Returns for group ## the total percentage in an Audience Response or Rating vote.
“group name, percentage”
group name
the name of group number ##.
## is a number in the range 0-32. If 0 is used the group name is
always “ALL” and the other fields refer to the total number
present and not voted.
a value from 0.0 to 100.0
Audience Response or Rating vote is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to
“On”. Unless VOTGRP0 is requested the vote must be an open vote.
Topic = VOTING, data-item = IRES
Returns the selected answer for each delegate. (Individual voting results.)
“delegate ID, legend, delegate ID, legend, ...”