EN | 76 Bosch Security Systems | December 13, 2005
22 Glossary of Terms
An auxiliary is an additional function of the remote receiver/driver which permits
on/off control of outputs available to the user. In the Allegiant system, there are four
relay outputs available which can be configured for contact closures, 24 VAC out-
put, or LINE voltage output. They can also be set to activate either momentarily or
in a latching mode.
Command Script
A unique feature of the Allegiant system wherein a section of nonvolatile memory
can be used to store specialized user-defined programming. A program of this type
could then provide custom features which ordinarily would not be obtainable.
A receiver/driver feature which provides added protection to very low light level
cameras by periodically panning a few degrees left and right automatically.
The ability of a switcher/controller system to restrict access of operations to certain
system functions or features. The Allegiant system has two modes of lockouts. The
first mode is based on operator priority level. This allows a higher priority level
operator to lockout lower level operators from either viewing or controlling specific
cameras. The second mode involves LTC 8059 MCS setups which can:
•Restrict operators/keyboards from viewing/accessing any camera.
•Restrict operators/keyboards from controlling/accessing any pan/tilt.
•Restrict operators from using certain keyboards.
•Restrict operators/keyboards from accessing certain monitors.
Log-on, Log-off
A selectable feature of the Allegiant system which requires operators to enter a user
number and an optional password into the keyboard prior to having access to sys-
tem operations.
Matrix Switching
The ability of a switching system to display any camera on any monitor or the same
camera on all monitors.
Phased Cameras
Properly integrated cameras which give a roll-free video display when switching
from one camera to the next in a sequential switcher system. Phased cameras are the
result of line-locked cameras being powered from the same AC power, externally
synchronized, or vertically phased adjusted on cameras equipped with this option.
The ability to store the position of a pan/tilt and zoom lens so that the same desired
scene can be later recalled automatically. With the Allegiant system, there can be
multiple preset scenes stored for each pan/tilt camera. For each scene, the pan, tilt,
zoom, and focus settings are stored.