Bosch Security Systems | December 13, 2007
LTC 8540/00 Series | Instruction Manual | Installation
4.5 Alarm Input Connections
Connect any 2 conductor wire (shielded cable not
usually required) between the alarming device (contact
closure or logic level, 0 to 5 VDC) and the appropriate
LTC 8540/00 input. The alarm input numbers are
marked on the rear panel. Note that two alarm inputs
share a common ground connection. The alarm inputs
can be configured in groups of 32 to accept either
normally open (Factory default) or normally closed
type contacts. Refer to the operational settings
information above if changes from the Factory default
settings are necessary. The total wire ‘loop resistance’
should not exceed 1000 ohms. The unit’s input #1
corresponds to camera #1 in the Factory default
setting, but this relationship can be changed during
programming with the optional Allegiant Master
Control Software package.
4.6 Alarm Output Connections
The LTC 8540/00 unit provides eight alarm relay
outputs. An alarm output is typically used to activate
the alarm input of a security type VCR or other
alerting device. A VCR is normally programmed to
change recording speeds from a slower time lapse
mode to a faster real time mode upon alarm activation.
Operation of the eight relay outputs of the
LTC 8540/00 depends upon how the Allegiant system
has been configured to respond to alarm events. The
alarm output relays activate accordingly under the
following conditions:
1. Relay 1 will activate if the base Allegiant system
is set to use the Basic alarm response mode and
an alarm occurs on any system monitor. Relay 1
will deactivate after all alarms have been
removed from the inputs. Relay 1 will also
deactivate if the Allegiant system is disarmed
(either the monitor being disarmed or the
alarm(s) being disarmed) by an operator from
the keyboard. Pressing the Acknowledge key on
the system keyboard will not deactivate Relay 1
since the alarm video follows the contact
applied to the unit in this alarm response mode.
Relays 2 through 8 are not used in this mode.
2. Relay 1 will activate if the base Allegiant system
is set to use the Sequence & Display alarm
response mode and an alarm occurs on any
system monitor. Relay 1 will deactivate after all
alarm videos have been acknowledged (pressing
the keyboard Acknowledge key) by the system
operator(s) from all system monitors. Relay 1
will also deactivate if the Allegiant system is
disarmed (either the monitor being disarmed or
the alarm(s) being disarmed) by an operator
from the keyboard. Removal of the alarm input
will not deactivate Relay 1 since the alarm
video(s) are not dependent upon the duration of
the contact applied to the unit in this alarm
response mode. Relays 2 through 8 are not used
in this mode.
3. If the base Allegiant system is set to use the
Autobuild alarm response mode and an alarm
occurs on system monitors 1 through 8, the
relay corresponding to the monitor number will
activate for the duration that the corresponding
alarm input is applied to the unit. The relay will
deactivate if the monitor associated with the
relay or if the alarm(s) being displayed on the
monitor is disarmed by an operator from the
keyboard. Pressing the Acknowledge key on the
system keyboard will not deactivate the relays
since the alarm video follows the contact
applied to the unit in this alarm response mode.
4. If the VersAlarm™ Group Table screen in the
PC based Master Control Software package
contains an alarm group where Monitors 1
through 8 are included and the ‘Monitor’ option
has been selected in the ‘Relay Action’ column,
the relay corresponding to the monitor number
will activate for the duration that the alarm
video remains on the monitor. The relay will
deactivate if the monitor associated with the
relay or if the alarm(s) being displayed on the
monitor is disarmed by an operator from the
keyboard. Pressing the Acknowledge key on the
system keyboard will not deactivate the relay
unless this feature has been selected for the
associated alarm group. If the ‘Monitor’ option
has been set to ‘1’ in the Group Table, only
Relay 1 will activate when monitors in that
alarm group become alarmed.