When communicating via the serial data port (RS-232), the baud
rate, number of data bits, and the parity are user-selectable (see
Section 4 for acceptable setting combinations). Parity only
applies to data transmitted by the printer, since it ignores the parity
of received data. The M-Series Printer is fixed at 1 stop bit, so
make sure that your host is also set at 1 stop bit.
When communicating via the parallel port, the previously
mentioned parameters are not considered.
The connections for the standard interface are made through the
DB25S connector on the rear panel. For all RS-232 input and output
signals, the M-Series Printer follows both the Electronics Industries
Association’s (EIA) RS-232 and the Consultative Committee for
International Telegraph and Telephone (CCITT) V.24 standard
signal level specifications.
Frame Ground for Cable Shield
TXD (Transmit Data) output from the printer
RXD (Receive Data) input to the printer
RTS (Request To Send) output from the printer
DSR (Data Set Ready) input to the printer
Signal Ground
DTR (Data Terminal Ready) output from the printer
Note: Pins 5, 8, 10-19, and 21-25 are not used and are unterminated.