Serial Port:
The serial interface supports RS-232C and, if equipped, RS-422
communications. The following list of serial port settings is menu-selectable and
must match the host computer’s serial port settings; see Section 4.1.6.
• Baud Rate (serial communication speed)
• Word Length
• Word Parity
• Number of Stop Bits
• Handshaking Protocol
In addition to the port settings, the serial interface cable wiring must have
specific connections (pin-outs) for proper data exchange between the host
and printer. The different serial cable pin-outs, suggested applications, and part
numbers are shown below (contact your reseller for ordering information).
Serial Interface Cable Listing (all models, except as noted)
Null Modem (MXM) “PC” (DB9P) to Printer
Part Number 556000 Part Number 556001
For connection to other DCE equipment.
Flow control is only Xon/Xoff.
For connection to a PC compatible with
DB9P communication ports. Flow control
can be either Xon/Xoff or CTS/DTR.
“PC” (DB25P) to Printer RS-422 Connection
Part Number 556002 Part Number N/A
For connection to a PC compatible with
DB25 communication ports. Flow control
can be either Xon/Xoff or CTS/DTR.
Diagram provided only as a reference.
optional interface is not available for
the 2461 model.