Plus3000/XL3000 PosterPrinter Helpful Tips Page 4
8. In the Edit Print Paper Size List dialog box, select the name of the banner size you set up in the User Custom
Size List. Click the Add button next to the list to move the entry to the Paper Size list area.
9. Click OK to close the two open dialog boxes.
Printing a Banner from a Windows
To print a banner, first be sure the Plus3000/XL3000 is selected as your system’s printer. Choose Print from the
File menu and click the Properties button. From the Print Paper Size list, choose the size of the banner you want
to print.
Using the GalaRio
Template Gallery with Your PosterPrinter
The GalaRio™ Template Gallery application, packaged with your ProImage
Plus3000/XL3000 System Interface
Kit, can be used to create any type of poster or banner that you need. The application provides pre-designed
templates for the posters and banners you need to create most often, which you can then print on your
PosterPrinter. All you need to do is choose a template, type your text and print!
The GalaRio™ application comes with a Quick Start guide, that covers the basics of creating posters and banners.
A complete online help system within the application provides additional information. Refer to the previous section
in this document for details on setting up banners and printing them with your PosterPrinter.
Using Common Windows
Applications with the ProImage
or the ProImage
XL3000 PosterPrinter
This section describes how to use some common Windows
applications to create effective, eye-catching posters
and banners with your PosterPrinter. We’ve developed these tips to help you get the best possible output from
your system.