Page 4
Lift Terminology
Lift Components:
Refer to the Lift Terminology
Illustrations on pages 2 and 3.
Pump Module: The remote
mounted pump module consists
of the main hydraulic pump, the
manual hand pump, the logic
control board and other electrical
components that power the lift
electric/hydraulic systems.
Hand-held Switch Control Box:
The standard hand-held control
switchbox is connected to the
pump module. The control box is
equipped with four push-button
switches, (UP, DOWN, STOW,
and DOOR CLOSE). The
switches activate the fully auto-
matic lift functions as well as
optional automatic door opera-
tors (if so equipped). Details
regarding the control switches
and their functions are provided in
the Lift Operation section (page
Lift Housing: The lift housing is
the metal structure (casing)
mounted under the vehicle which
contains and protects the platform
carriage assembly. The housing
contains all lift components
Bridge Plate (Inboard Roll
Stop): UVL lift models are
equipped with an automatic or
manually operated bridge plate
(except model UVL603A). The
bridge plate bridges the gap
between the lift platform and the
vehicle floor. Bridge plates also
serve as inboard roll stops.
Automatic bridge plates are fully-
automatic in operation and are
activated by the lift control
switches (no attendant required).
Manual bridge plates must be
operated by an attendant. Fur-
ther details and instructions for
operation of manual bridge plates
are provided on page 12 of this
Platform Cable-activated
Manual Release System: A
cable-activated manual release
system releases the platform
carriage assembly drive chain to
allow the platform carriage
assembly to be manually moved
out (extended) or moved in
(retracted), should it be neces-
sary. Complete details and
operating procedures are pro-
vided on pages 15-19.
Lift Actions and Functions:
Extend: Extend is the action of
the platfom carriage assembly
moving (rolling) out of the lift
Retract: Retract is the action of
the platfom carriage assembly
moving (rolling) into the lift
Deploy: Lift deployment is the
action of the lift platform carriage
assembly extending (moving
outward) from the housing and
lowering to ground level when the
DOWN switch is activated or
raising to floor level when the UP
switch is activated.
Stow: Stow is the action of the
lift platform carriage assembly
retracting (moving inward) into
the carriage assembly housing.
During the stow function, the
platform will automatically raise or
lower to stow level before retract-
ing into the housing.
Stow Level: Stow level is the
height that the platfom carriage
assembly moves in and moves
out of the lift housing.
Floor Level: Floor level is the
height that the platfom carriage
assembly raises to in order for the
wheelchair passenger to enter
and exit the vehicle.
Note: Further details regarding
lift control switches and the
corresponding lift functions are
provided in the Lift Operating
Instructions on pages 10 and 11.
except the power (pump) module
when the lift is in the stowed
Platform Carriage Assembly:
The platform carriage assembly
includes the platform assembly,
the lifting arms, the rolling hori-
zontal arms that carry the plat-
form assembly in and out of the
housing and the electrical/
hydraulic drive components that
power the lift.
Platform Assembly: The lift
platform assembly consists of the
flat aluminum plate with raised
diamond embossing upon which
the wheelchair is positioned, the
outboard roll stop, the inboard roll
stop (if so equipped) and optional
handrails (if so equipped).
Outboard Roll Stop: The
outboard roll stop is the automatic
electric actuator-activated outer
barrier that provides a ramp for
wheelchair loading and unloading
at ground level. Photos and
further details regarding the
outboard roll stop operation are
provided in the Pre-Lift Operation
Notes section (pages 7 and 8).