The thermometer is initially calibrated at the
time of manufacture. If this thermometer is
used in accordance with the Use Instructions,
periodic recalibration os not required. If at any
time you question the accuracy of
measurement, please contact Braun.
Lot number
The date of manufacture can b determined by
referring to the instrument LOT number. This
number can be found by opening the battery
compartment and removing the battery. The
number is preceded by the word “LOT“ and is
in the following format: XXOOOXX or
XOOOXXX, where X designates alpha
characters and O designates numbers. The
first of the three numbers is the last digit of the
year of manufacture. The next two numbers
designate the week of the calendar year that it
was manufactured.
For example: LOT X542XXX. this
thermometer was manufactured during the
42nd week of 1995.
This product is guaranteed for 1 year from
date of purchase against material and/or
workmanship defects. These will be
eliminated either by repairing or exchanging
the appliance as we may choose. All other
claims, including for damages, are excluded.
Service under the guarantee does not affect
its expiry date.
Claims only valid in countries where product
is offcially sold and if accompanied by a
stamped and dated guarantee card.
Claims arising out of the sales contract with
the vendor are not affected by this guarantee.
For UK only:
This guarantee in no way affects your rights
under statutory law.
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