276v35,38 - page 16 (Black)
Screen angle and frequency: 45.0000, 150.0000
PART NO. (or equivalent)
Air cleaner cartridge (351700) 394018
Air cleaner pre-cleaner (351700) 272490
Air cleaner pre-cleaner and cartridge (351700) 5050
Air cleaner cartridge (380700) 692519
Air cleaner pre-cleaner (380700) 692520
Oil 100005 or 100028
Oil filter (3-1/2 in. long) 491056
Oil filter (2-1/4 in. long) 492932 or 5049
Fuel filter 493629
Gas additive 5041
Resistor spark plug (Champion RC12YC) 491055
Resistor spark plug (Champion RC14YC) 496018
Long life platinum spark plug 5066
(used on most OHV engines)
Spark plug wrench 19374
Spark tester 19368
Oil pump kit 5056
(uses standard electric drill to remove oil from engine quickly)
Your Engine
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To purchase a complete list of Genuine Briggs & Stratton Parts for your engine, fill in
both sides of this order form carefully. We cannot fill your order without the correct
Engine Model/Type/Code. Allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery.
Milwaukee, WI 53201–1144 U.S.A.
See an Authorized Briggs & Stratton Service Dealer. Each
one carries a stock of Genuine Briggs & Stratton Parts and
is equipped with special service tools. Trained mechanics
assure expert repair service on all Briggs & Stratton
engines. Only dealers advertising as “Authorized Briggs &
Stratton” are required to meet Briggs & Stratton standards.
When you purchase equipment powered by a
Briggs & Stratton engine, you are assured of
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www.briggsandstratton.com or in the “Yellow Pages”
directory under “Engines, Gasoline” or “Gasoline
Engines,” or “Lawn Mowers” or similar category.
An illustrated shop manual includes com-
mon specifications and detailed informa-
tion covering adjustment, tune-up and
repair of Briggs & Stratton OHV, twin
cylinder, 4 cycle engines. It is available for
purchase from an Authorized Briggs &
Stratton Service Dealer or you can order it
from the factory. Write: Briggs & Stratton
Corporation, Attn: Service Division
P. O. Box 1144, Milwaukee, WI 53201
Part No. 272144
Engines stored over 30 days need special attention.
[1] To prevent gum from forming in fuel system or on
essential carburetor parts:
a) if fuel tank contains oxygenated or reformulated
gasoline (gasoline blended with an alcohol or an
ether), run engine until it stops from lack of fuel, or b) if
fuel tank contains gasoline, either run engine until it
stops from lack of fuel, or add a gasoline additive to the
gas in the tank. (See parts list. Single – use pouches of
gas additive are available from your service dealer.) If
you use a gas additive, run the engine for several
minutes to circulate the additive through the carburetor.
Then, engine and fuel can be stored up to 24 months.
[2] While engine is still warm, change oil.
[3] Remove spark plugs and pour about 1 oz. (30 ml) of
engine oil into each cylinder. Replace spark plugs and
crank slowly to distribute oil.
[4] Clean engine of surface debris, chaff or grass.
[5] Store in a clean, dry area. Do
not store in same area as a
stove, furnace, water heater, or
other appliance that uses a pilot
light or has a device that can
create a spark.