MODEL: 911770 / 4000 SERIES
Natural Lump Charcoal
KEG will run on many types of fuel including
traditional charcoal briquettes and even wood chunks. The KEG
works best with True ‘Cue
100% Natural Hardwood Lump Charcoal
(MODEL# TCF5505). Good natural lump charcoal, like True ‘Cue
contains no chemicals, additives or fi llers. This means your fi re burns
hotter, cleaner and makes less ash than with charcoal briquettes.
Initial ‘Burn-In’
Season The Cast Iron Grate
Before you start to cook anything on your new BROIL KING
you fi rst have to burn off the coating used to protect your BROIL
KEG during shipment. You will then need to season it, this will
protect the cast iron parts from rusting during normal use.
First remove the grill grates and wash thoroughly in warm, soapy
water. Rinse completely and dry with a soft towel. Don’t allow to air
dry and don’t ever put in a dishwasher.
When the cast iron grill grate is completely dry, apply a coating of
solid vegetable shortening to both sides of it for protection. Also
apply vegetable shortening to the top damper, inside and out.
For the fi nal “seasoning” step - fi re up your BROIL KING
to about 400°F for about an hour. That’ll burn off any of the
protective coating that might still be in the pores of the metal. It
may be a good idea to repeat the seasoning process to your grill
grate every so often.
Fire Starter Sticks
The preferred fi re starters for your
KEG are True ‘Cue
Match tip Firestarters (MODEL# TCF5511). They’ll get the lump charcoal
going without using lighter fl uids. (which we don’t recommend)
You’ll fi nd lump charcoal and starter sticks at hardware stores,
general merchandise stores, and outdoor product stores where
cookout supplies are sold.
Always use caution when opening the lid. Carefully ease the
lid open just a crack (about one inch) and count to fi ve (1-2-
3-4-5) before opening all the way. This allows the heat that
has built up inside the grill to escape slowly and prevents a
sudden rush of oxygen from causing a fl are-up.