Upper Threading 53
10. Upper Threading
Check the embroidering screen for information on which needle bars should be threaded with which thread
colors, and then thread the upper threads.
Checking the needle bars and thread colors
In the embroidering settings screen, touch to display the embroidering screen and the message
instructing that the needle bars be threaded (that the thread spools from the previous time be changed).
Check the thread colors in this screen.
Embroidering screen (For details on the keys and other information on the screen, refer to page 77.)
1 Thread information for the first needle bar
2 Thread information for the second needle bar
3 Thread information for the third needle bar
4 Thread information for the fourth needle bar
5 Thread information for the fifth needle bar
6 Thread information for the sixth needle bar
7 If no thread color name is displayed, that
needle bar has not been used.
If a thread color had been assigned to the
needle bar on a previously sewn design, the
needle bar will show the previously assigned
8 Change thread spools message. (Refer to
page 103.)
This message appears when it is necessary for
the thread spools to be changed. If 9
is not touched to close the message,
embroidering cannot continue.
● The thread information for the thread
spool to be changed appears framed in
0 Thread color
A Needle bar number
B Thread color name or number
Thread with the color name that appears beside
each needle bar number is threaded on that needle
bar. For the screen shown
1: Lime green
2: Moss green
3: Orange
4: Red
5: Yellow
If there is no name beside the needle bar number,
that needle bar is not used. For this example,
needle bar 6 is not used.