UTILITY STITCHES —————————————————————————————————————————————————
Close the zipper, turn over the fabric, and
then baste the other side of the zipper to the
1 Basting stitching
Attach the presser foot holder to the other pin
of zipper foot “I”.
If the presser foot holder was attached to the
right pin in step
6, change it to the left pin.
1 Pin on the left side
2 Needle drop point
Topstitch around the zipper.
Sew reverse stitches at the end of the zipper
opening and align the zipper teeth with the
side of the presser foot.
1 Right side of fabric
2 End of zipper opening
3 Reverse stitches
4 Beginning of stitching
5 Basting stitching
When you are about 5 cm (2 inch) from the
end of the zipper, stop the sewing machine
with the needle lowered (in the fabric), and
then raise the presser foot lever.
Remove the basting stitching, open the zipper,
and then continue sewing.