5-34 BE-1204B-BC • BE-1206B-BC
Chapter 5 Setting
Automatic Input Setting
The sewing data can be read from floppy disks or personal computers by manual, automatic or full
automatic operation.
! The following items are available for the settings.
Item Contents
Choose the device to read from.
Reads from a memory. Only MANU (manual) mode is available in this case.
Reads from a floppy disk.
Reads from a personal computer.
Reads from a network.
Choose the mode for the reading.
MANU (Manual): The data selection for the reading can be changed manually on the
file selection screen shown each time with data reading.
AUTO (Automatic): After the completion of the sewing, pressing will execute
the next data reading automatically.
The file selection screen is shown at the first reading only.
Data for the reading cannot be changed manually.
F-AT (Full-Automatic): The next data reading will be executed automatically after the
completion of the sewing.
The file selection screen is shown at the first reading only.
Data for the reading cannot be changed manually. This mode is not available when
the device to read from is set to network.
Choose whether or not to continue automatic reading from the start on completion of the sewing.
Discontinues data reading on completion of sewing.
Continues data reading from the start automatically on completion of sewing.
Choose whether or not to reflect the initial edit data in following sewing operations.
The initial edit data is reflected.
The initial edit data is not reflected.
! To choose
network as the device and to read the data via the network will require another
software and so on. Please consult our sales office or service station nearby in this case.