Specify the size. For this example, use the
default size of 10.0 mm.
Select the color. For this example, use the
default color, BLACK.
Select the sew type. For this example, use the
default sew type, Satin Stitch.
Move to where you want to add the text,
and then click.
→ The Edit Text Letters dialog box
appears, containing a chart of all
characters available with the selected
Type in “Tulip” using the keyboard.
Click OK.
→ The text appears in the Design Page.
b Memo:
The value indicates the height of the
b Memo:
• To move the dialog box to a more
convenient place on the screen, move the
pointer over the title bar, and then drag
the dialog box.
• Press the key to enter a new line of
• You can also enter a character by
selecting it in the character table, then
clicking Insert, or simply by double-
clicking it. This is particularly useful if you
have to enter accented characters that
are not available on your keyboard.
• An enlarged image of the character
appears below the pointer, providing a
better view of the character, when the
pointer is moved over a character in the
character table.