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Needle types and their uses
The sewing machine needle that should be used depends on the fabric and thread thickness. Refer to the
following table when choosing the thread and needle appropriate for the fabric that you wish to sew.
■ Thread and needle number
The lower the thread number is, the larger the
thread, and the larger the needle number, the
larger the needle.
■ Ball point needle (gold colored)
To avoid skipped stitches use ball point needles
with stretch fabrics.
■ Transparent nylon thread
Use a 90/14 to 100/16 needle, regardless of the
fabric or thread.
■ Embroidery needles
Use a 75/11 home sewing machine needle. When
embroidering on thick fabrics such as denim, use
a 90/14 or 100/16 home sewing machine needle.
• A 75/11 needle is already installed when the
sewing machine is purchased.
Fabric Type/Application
Size of Needle
Type Size
Medium weight
Broadcloth Cotton thread
75/11–90/14Taffeta Synthetic thread
Flannel, Gabardine Silk thread 50–80
Thin fabrics
Lawn Cotton thread
65/9–75/11Georgette Synthetic thread
Challis, Satin Silk thread 50–80
Thick fabrics
Denim Cotton thread 30–50
90/14–100/16Corduroy Synthetic thread
Tweed Silk thread
Stretch fabrics
Thread for knits 50–60
Ball point needle
(golden colored)
Easily frayed fabrics
Cotton thread
50–80 65/9–90/14Synthetic thread
Silk thread
For top-stitching
Synthetic thread
30 90/14–100/16
Silk thread
● The appropriate fabric, thread and needle
combinations are shown in the table
above. If the combination of the fabric,
thread and needle is not correct,
particularly when sewing thick fabrics
(such as denim) with thin needles (such as
65/9 to 75/11), the needle may bend or
break. In addition, the stitching may be
uneven or puckered or there may be
skipped stitches.