Embroidering Small Fabrics or
Fabric Edges
Use an embroidery stabilizer to provide extra
support. After embroidering, remove the stabilizer
carefully. Attach the stabilizer as shown in the
following examples. We recommend using a
stabilizer for embroidery.
■ Embroidering Small Fabrics
Use a temporary spray adhesive to adhere the small
piece of fabric to the larger piece in the frame.
If you do not wish to use a temporary spray
adhesive, attach the stabilizer with a basting stitch.
a Fabric
b Stabilizer
■ Embroidering Edges or Corners
Use a temporary spray adhesive to adhere the small
piece of fabric to the larger piece in the frame.
If you do not wish to use a temporary spray
adhesive, attach the stabilizer with a basting stitch.
a Fabric
b Stabilizer
■ Embroidering Ribbons or Tape
Secure with double-sided tape or a temporary spray
a Ribbon or tape
b Stabilizer