9-4. Lower shaft, lower shaft gear and feed regulator unit
1. Lower shaft assembly
2. Feed regulator assembly
3. Lower shaft gear
4. Set screw (Align with screw stop)
5. Set screw (Tighten)
6. Set screw (Align with screw stop)
7. Set screw (Tighten)
8. Timing pulley D
9. Set screw (Align with screw stop)
10. Set screw (Tighten)
Turn the rotary hook shaft gear (a) so
that the upper set screw (b) is facing
toward the front, and also turn the
lower shaft gear (c) so that the lowe
set screw (d) is facing toward the front,
and then align the blade of the rotary
hook gear (a) with the blade of the
lower shaft gear (c).
In this position, align with the scre
stop on the lower shaft (e), and then
tighten the lower set screw (d).