FM 23-45 Basic Field Manual
of the extractor cam and extractor feed cam until forced in by the beveled part of the
extractor feed cam. This permits the extractor to be forced down by the cover extractor
cam, and the plunger springs out behind the extractor feed cam.
FIGURE 12.—Belt feed mechanism.
■32. F
IRST ACT OF FEEDING (fig. 12).—As the bolt moves backward, the stud on the
pivoted belt feed lever moves to the right in the cam groove, thus forcing the belt feed
slide to the left. The belt feed pawl engages on the left of the first cartridge which is
held in position by the belt holding pawl. In the event the extractor fails to, withdraw
the leading round from the belt, the finger of the belt feed pawl, riding on the top of
this unextracted round, will hold the feed pawl raised in a position where it cannot
engage on the left of the next cartridge. It thus prevents double feeding.
■33. C
OCKING ACTION (fig. 13).—AS the bolt moves backward, the upper end of the
cocking lever is forced forward in the cocking lever recess, bringing the lower end to the
rear. The lower end brings with it the firing pin, thus compressing the firing pin spring
against the sear spring pin.
IGURE 13.Cocking mechanism.
The shoulder of the firing pin engages the notch in the sear, which is pulled upward by
the action of the sear spring, the trigger cams now being disengaged from the sear.