which allow the door to open 180° and be removed for easier home
installation. The external hinge system in no way compromises security
because there are locking bolts around the perimeter of the door, and
even with the hinges removed the door is secured by the locking bolts.
The safe door is heavy and can be as much as
of The ToTal
weighT of The safe. should you choose To remove iT, be sure To
have enough people help supporT The weighT of The door and
care should be Taken To avoid dropping iT, which could cause
damage or personal injury To yourself or oThers. failure To
follow This warning could resulT in serious injury or deaTh.
The door may be removed by opening it enough to clear the door frame
(approximately 110°) and lifting straight up. Re-installing the door is
simplified if the lower hinge is adjusted prior to removing the door.
1 With the door closed, use a
/32" Allen wrench and turn the bolt
located in the bottom piece of the bottom hinge four half-turns
counterclockwise (looking down
at the hinge).
2 With the door open (clear of the
frame) have two or more people
support the door and lift it
straight up and off the hinges.
Care should be taken to lift
straight up to avoid damaging
the hinge pins (Figure 1).
1 With two or more people
supporting the door, position
the door hinges above the pins
on the bottom hinge pieces on
the safe.
your browning prosTeel safe is noT designed for
exTerior use. exposing your safe To rain, moisTure or high
humidiTy can cause rusT and damage To The lock and oTher
parTs of The safe. The painTed exTerior finish is designed for
inTerior use only and will noT wiThsTand direcT conTacT wiTh
waTer or moisTure wiThouT damage. The safe boTTom is lighTly
finished meTal. iT will rusT if exposed To a weT floor. high
humidiTy can cause The safe boTTom To rusT if The carpeT below
iT absorbs moisTure. if you place your safe on carpeT, you
should proTecT your carpeT from rusT sTains by placing a
sheeT of clear plasTic beTween The safe and carpeT. damage
To your safe from exposure To moisTure and high humidiTy is
noT warranTed.
your browning prosTeel safe is very heavy. exTreme care
should be used when moving This or any oTher large, heavy
iTem To avoid injury To yourself or oThers. we sTrongly
recommend using a professional mover To move your safe.
failure To follow This warning could resulT in serious injury
or deaTh.
Some considerations that need to be addressed when moving your
safe into your home are:
• Theloadyourfloorsandstairswillbear.
• Tileorotherfloorsthatcouldbedamaged.
• Doorwaysorfurniturethatcouldbedamaged.
• Stairsorcornersyouwillneedtonavigate.
Most Browning ProSteel safes have external hinges (except Compact
Series safes which feature a non-removable, internal hinge design),
Door must be clear of frame to remove. Lift
straight up to avoid damaging bolts.
figure 1
07-137-BSF_Safe OM.indd 6-7 7/21/08 11:13:08 AM