Restoring a Backup
To restore a backup, the backup destination (if on a USB hard
drive) must be shared as a shared folder. This setting can be
enabled on page 47. Then, browse to the usbdisk1 folder. This is
where backup data is stored.
Backups in usbdisk1 are in folders named YEARMONTHDAYTIME,
so “0408062200” is a backup that occurred on August 6th, 2004
at 22:00 (or 10pm). If Overwrite Backup was set when the backup
ran, then only one backup folder will exist. From inside the
backup archive, data can be moved or copied to its original (or a
new) location.
NOTE: If a LinkStation fails, its USB backup drive can be attached
to a different LinkStation to recover backup data. On the new
LinkStation, share it as a shared folder to access the backup data.