TeraStation User Manual 116
Remote backup password When you back up data from other TeraStation to this unit via network,
you can set up the password so that this unit is mistakenly selected as a
backup destination.
* You can enter up to 8 bytes(UTF-8) including alphanumeric character,
hyphen(-), and underscore(_).
* You cannot use hyphen(-) for the rst letter.
Oine Files Options:
[Disable Oine Files] : Disables oine le.
[Manual Cache Files]: Enables oine les. You need to select the les to
use oine yourself.
[Automatic Cache Files]: Enables oine les. Open les are cached
locally and may be used oine. Old les that cannot be synchronized
are replaced by newer les or deleted automatically.
[Automatic Cache Programs and Files]: Enables oine les. Opened
les are cached locally and may be used oine. Old les and network
applications that cannot be synchronized are replaced by newer les or
deleted automatically.
TeraSearch To create an index for TeraSearch, check [Include folder in search
indexing] and click [Save].
Access Restrictions
Click [Access Restrictions]
on [New Folder] to view
this option.
Access Restrictions Enable access restrictions.
Click [Add] and select the user or group name which are allowed to
access, then click [Add].
To remove access, select the username and group, then click [Remove].
If using FTP/FTPS/SFTP connection, access restrictions can be set per
DFS Service
Click [Modify Settings] to
change settings.
DFS Select to [Enable] or [Disable] for Distributed File System (DFS).
Allow Multiple DFS Links Enable to allow multiple DFS connections.
DFS root folder name Enter the displayed SMB name of the DFS root folder.
* You cannot use a name which has already used.
* You can enter up to 27 bytes(UTF-8).
* Alphanumeric characters, multi-byte characters, -(hyphen), and
_(underscore) may be used.
* Do not use a number or symbol as the rst character.
DFS Links
Add Link Enter [Link Name], [Destination Hostname], and [Destination Folder].
If it is possible to resolve the name in SMB, use the UNC host name.
Otherwise, enter the IP address.
Remove Link Delete selected DFS link.
Click [Modify Settings] to
change settings.
Target Change the shared folders as a DirectCopy destination.
Click [Modify Settings] to
change settings.
TeraSearch Select [Enable] to use TeraSearch.
Specify the time to update the index in [Update Index at] option.
To update the index immediately, click [Update Index].