1. Squeeze some lubricant into
2. Apply a thin film of lubricant to
each cooling drum seal.
3. Install the seals over the flange
at the rear of the cooling drums
as shown.
4. Press the seals firmly into
5. Apply a thin film of lubricant to
the inside of each auger shaft
6. Install the seals on the auger
shafts. Wipe the cooling drums
to remove any excess lubri-
7. Align the auger shafts with the
flat fin of the augers. Push the
augers as far as they will go and
rotate them so the flat fins are
pointing up.
8. Thoroughly rinse the hoppers
and install them over the cool-
ing drums with augers. Slide
them into place and push them
down as far as they will go.
As much as possible, keep
lubricant from the inside of the
hoppers. The cleaner you keep
the food zone, the cleaner the
product you’ll serve the cus-
9. Set the lids on the hoppers.
11. Wash all components with a wash cloth in mild hot water and detergent solution. Do not immerse hopper
12. Wash the drums, hopper drip trays, top covers, and outer enclosure using a clean wash cloth that has been
dampened in a mild solution of detergent and hot water.
13. Thoroughly rinse all surfaces with a clean wash cloth that has been dampened with hot water. Wipe dry with
a clean dry wash cloth before reassembling the dispenser.
14. Remove the lower drip tray assembly. Wash and thoroughly rinse all pieces before reinstallation.
NOTE – Although most parts are dishwasher safe, they may be affected by some commercial sanitizing agents.
Do not place the hopper nor hopper lids in a dishwasher.
NOTE – Use BOM M2550.0000 lubricant where specified.
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