Burley Walk ‘n Roller Manual; models 2003 and earlier
II. Preparation for Installation
The Walk’n Roller requires the assembly and attachment of 3 components:
handlebar, parking brake, and stroller wheel. These are covered in sections III, V, and
VII. Each section has its associated part list so that you may confi rm that you have
received all the parts needed. If any parts are missing contact Burley, do not proceed
with installation.
Tools Required:
7/16 inch wrench No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
Torque wrench No. 3 Phillips screwdriver
Extension Some adhesive tape
7/16 inch socket
Note: The No 2 Phillips screwdriver has a shaft diameter of ¼ inch or less
and is most useful here for making bolts holes through fabric. The No. 3
driver has a larger shaft (almost 1/3 inch) and is the better fi t for tightening
the bolts of this assembly.
The locations of the Walk n’ Roller
components are seen on the left.
#1 is the handle assembly, #2 is
the wheel assembly, and #3 is
the brake.
The directions around the trailer
are in reference to the normal
direction of motion, front being
III. Handlebar Installation
Parts included for the Handlebar Assembly:
(1) Padded handle with safety tether (1) Handle Receiver –Right side
(1) Roll Bar plastic replacement hinge (1) Handle Receiver – Left side
(1) Roll Bar plastic replacement catch (4) ¼” by 1-1/8” Phillips head bolts
(4) ¼” locking nuts (2) ¼ inch standard nuts
(1) ¼ “ jam locking nut (hinge)
Note: Standard nuts are larger width, across the hex and do not possess
a nylon locking ring. The locking nuts have a nylon ring built in. A jam nut
is thinner, requiring less height on the bolt. In assembly, when replacing
similar parts, use the new nuts provided.