Preparation For Use
The photo shows a fully assembled machine. For shipping,the machine has been partly disman-
tled - reassembling is carried out according to the assembly instructions later in this manual.
Do the following before coupling the machine to the tractor:
(A) Check that the stabilizer is equipped with the correct spring. The color of the spring must be
as shown.
Model Color
HM2007 Green
HM2008 Green
HM2009 Black
(B) Check that the machine is equipped with the correct connecting link, and that the stabilizer is
fitted in the correct hole.
If the above are not connected correctly the machine will not be able to work properly.
(C) Lubricate the sliding surface of the lifting bracket with lithium grease or equivalent.
(D) Lubricate the carrying tube of the swing bar with lithium grease or equivalent. The lubrication
is easier to carry out by first removing the front support leg from the right hand hitch lug.
The three point lift hitch may then be moved slightly forward and swung
down and forward. After this the hitch can be turned to the left, so that the carrying
tube can be lubricated at full length.