RMB 1660 11/10 Assembly Section 3-13
© 2010 Alamo Group Inc.
Fill reservoir to approximately 2” below the top of the tank. The capacity is approximately 180 liters (47.5
gallons). Do not overfill the tank.
Cable Controlled Models
The control unit is bolted to a mounting bracket.
This bracket may be bolted to the fender or cab bracket in a convenient location ensuring that no structural
member of the cab or roll bar is drilled.
In deciding the final position of the control box remember not to exceed the minimum acceptable bend -radii of
8"' for the cables.
The control lever for the cable operated rotor control valve is mounted in a similar fashion adopting the same
precautions pertaining to drilling and cable runs.
Supplier Cold or Temperature Climate Hot Climate
Castrol Agricastrol hydraulic oil
Hy-spin AWS46
Hy-spin AWS68
Shell Tellus 46 Tellus 68
Mobil D.T.E. 25 D.T.E. 26
Esso Nuto “H” or “A” 46 Nuto “H” or “A” 68
Texaco Rando HD 46 Rando D 68
Gulf Hydrasil 46 Hydrasil 68
B.P. Energal HLP 46 Energal HLP 68
Dalton Silkolene Dove 46 or
Derwent 46
Silkolene Dove 68
or Derwent 68
Elf Hydrelf 46 Hydrelf 68