
Tube Reliability:
It's interesting to note that until the 1960's, tubes were used in
virtually every area of electronics including aviation. When people
flew on a commercial airliner, they literally trusted their lives on
tube-powered avionics. So, aside from a common-sense warning to
take care not to break the glass, there is very little reason to be
overly concerned about the 300B tube used in your amplifier.
The 300B tube installed in your new Butler amplifier should last as
long as the other high quality electronic components in the design.
No special tube care, replacement, matching, biasing or
maintenance is usually necessary. In the unlikely event a tube
becomes faulty, it can easily be replaced by any generic 300B tube
commercially available, but for optimum performance, we
recommend our Butler 300B as replacement.
Finally, the most likely reason you invested in your new Butler Audio
amplifier was to enjoy the sonic superiority vacuum tubes create.
Please enjoy this revolutionary design BK Butler worked so long to
produce. We're confident you'll have many trouble-free years of
listening pleasure!
- Everyone at Butler Audio, Inc