It is best to keep the humidity level at about 40%-50% of relative humidity.
In cold weather, windows and even some walls may fog or develop frost from
excessive indoor humidity. If this occurs, reduce the mist output setting to avoid
damage from condensed water dripping onto windowsills.
Too much humidity in the room may allow moisture to accumulate on surfaces where
bacteria and fungi can grow. Moisture that gathers may also damage furniture and
walls, especially wallpaper.
To reduce excessive humidity, especially in small rooms, leave the room door open
and adjust the mist intensity control setting.
Failure to keep this humidifier clean from mineral deposits normally
contained in any water supply will affect the efficiency of the operation. Customer
failure to follow these instructions may void warranty
DO NOT leave water in Water Tank or Humidifier Base when unit is not in use as it may
result in the buildup of mineral deposits and bacteria that can inhibit the output
efficiency of the humidifier. If water remains in the Water Tank for more than a day or
two, bacterial growth is possible.
1. Always turn off and unplug from outlet before cleaning.
2. Empty water from the water tank and humidifier base daily.
3. Wipe and dry humidifier base with a clean, dry cloth or paper towel.
4. Replace the water tank.
1. Always turn off and unplug from outlet before cleaning.
2. Empty water from the water tank and humidifier base.
3. Fill the water tank with about a half-gallon of warm water. Add 2 Tablespoons of
white vinegar. Shake vigorously and let sit for 20-30 minutes. Shake vigorously
again and empty the water. Rinse water tank.
4. Make similar white vinegar/water solution. Pour into humidifier base. Let sit for
20-30 minutes, and then empty. Rinse humidifier base. Wipe dry with a clean,
soft cloth.
5. Wipe the exterior surface water tank and humidifier base with a soft, dry cloth.
1. Remove the mist chamber.
2. Fill the heating element with undiluted white vinegar.
3. Let stand for 20 minutes. Dampen soft, clean cloth or sponge with undiluted
white vinegar and wipe out heating element to remove scale. DO NOT use soap,
detergents or abrasive cleaners.
4. Rinse heating element using clean warm water, being careful not to submerge
the base in the water. Dry thoroughly. DO NOT IMMERSE WATER BASIN IN
5. Soak the removable mist chamber in a solution of ½ white vinegar and ½ water
for 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and then wipe dry with a soft clean cloth.