Chapter 2
CSX200 and 400 Chassis View
Information displayed in the Chassis View window; the Chassis Manager window; Hub management
The CSX200/400 Chassis View window is the main screen that immediately
informs you of the current condition of individual ports on your switch via a
graphical display. The Chassis View window also serves as a single point of access
to all other CSX windows and screens, which are discussed throughout this
To access the CSX Chassis View window, use one of the following options:
1. In any map, list, or tree view, double-click on the CSX200 or CSX400 you wish
to manage.
1. In any map, list, or tree view, click the left mouse button once to select the
CSX you wish to manage.
2. Select Manage—>Node from the primary window menu bar, or select the
Manage Node toolbar button.
1. In any map, list, or tree view, click the right mouse button once to select the
CSX200/400 you wish to manage.
2. On the resulting menu, click to select Manage.
It is important to note a Windows 95- and NT-based utility called QuickSET was shipped
with your device. This program is designed for point-and-click installation and set-up of
CSX200/400 devices. If you launch Chassis Manager for a CyberSWITCH device and
have QuickSET installed, your Utilities menu will display a menu pick for launching
QuickSET. See your QuickSET documentation for more information.