Outer Center Pillar
Removal Procedure
IMPORTANT: Sectioning should be performed
only in the recommended areas. Failure to do so
may compromise the structural integrity of the
1. Locate an approved sectioning area in the
center pillar (Fig.␣ 1-5).
2. Mark and scribe a line. This is the cut location.
3. Cut Center Pillar at cut line. Use caution not to
cut inner reinforcement.
4. Create cut lines on rocker within approved
sectioning locations. Cut the rocker vertically
along cut lines.
5. Drill out factory welds. Note number and
location of welds.
6. Remove the damaged part.
7. Note placement and number of foam baffles
for new installation. If baffles are damaged,
replacement service parts are available.
IMPORTANT: Hinge pillar blocks must be
replaced if damaged.
Preparation Of Service Part
1. On the service part, at center pillar mark a
horizontal line in corresponding locations
to original sectioning cut. Leave a gap of one-
and-one-half times the thickness of the metal
at the sectioning joint (Fig. 1-6).
2. Mark vertical cut lines in rocker areas to
correspond with original section lines. Leave a
gap of one-and-one-half times the metal
thickness (see Fig. 1-3).
3. Cut the outer doorframe opening service part
along these three section lines.
4. Cut two 100␣ mm (4␣ in) pieces from the unused
portion of the service part for backing plates
in rocker.
5. Cut one 50␣ mm (2␣ in) backing plate for pillar
(Fig. 1-6). Remove the flange on each side of
the backing plates so that they will fit behind
the sectioning joint.
6. Drill 8␣ mm (5/16␣ in) plug weld holes in service
part according to original locations, as noted.
Drill plug weld holes spaced 40␣ mm (1-5/8␣ in)
apart along backing plate locations. Space
these holes 25␣ mm (1␣ in) from the joint edge
on the rocker panels and 13␣ mm (1/2␣ in) from
the joint edge on the pillar.
Fig.␣ 1-5 — Outer Center Pillar – Sectioning
50 MM (2 IN)
Fig.␣ 1-6 — Create Pillar Backing Plate
1-4 2000 cadillac deville