Personal Settings Menu Items
The PERSONAL SETTINGS MENU must be selected
with a check mark to program the personalization
features. If it is not selected, press the tune/select knob
until the check mark appears. If it is selected, the
entire list of features will be available to program.
This feature allows you to type in a customized name or
greeting that will appear on the display whenever the
corresponding keyless access transmitter, 1 or 2, is used
or Driver 1 or Driver 2 is selected on the radio display.
If a customized name or greeting is not programmed, the
system will show Driver 1 or Driver 2 to correspond
with the numbers on the back of the keyless access
transmitters. In this case, the customized driver greeting
feature is factory shipped as off.
To turn the driver greeting feature on and to program a
customized name or greeting:
following the instructions listed previously under
“Entering the Personal Settings Menu.”
2. Turn the tune/select knob until DRIVER GREETING
is highlighted.
3. Press the tune/select knob to turn on the DRIVER
GREETING feature.
You will see a cursor on the screen.
4. Turn the tune/select knob until you reach the first
letter you want; the letter will be highlighted.
There is a complete alphabet with both upper and
lower case letters and the numbers zero through
nine. Also included are spaces and other non-letter
characters such as the ampersand (&).
5. Press the tune/select knob once to select the letter.
The letter will then appear on the display and the
cursor will advance to the next letter.
If you make a mistake, press the F5 button, located
on the radio, repeatedly to cycle back through all
of the characters until you reach the character you
wish to change. Then turn the tune/select knob
until the letter you want is highlighted and press the
tune/select knob to select the new letter.
6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until the name or greeting
you want is complete. You can program up to
16 characters.