Notice: Lifting your vehicle improperly can damage
your vehicle and result in costly repairs not covered
by your warranty. To lift your vehicle properly, follow
the advice in this part.
To help prevent vehicle damage:
• Be sure the jack you are using meets the
weight standards for your vehicle and is in
good working order.
• Be sure to place a block or pad between the jack
and the vehicle.
• Make sure the jack you are using only contacts
the jacking location lift points and is not leaning
on any other vehicle components such as the
rocker panels, the floor pan, or the stone guard
• Lift only in the areas shown in the following
Lifting From the Front
The front lifting points can be accessed from either side
of your vehicle, behind the front tires.
1. Locate the front lifting points using the diagram
above. The front lifting location is about 15 inches
(37 cm) from the rear edge of the front wheel well.
2. Place a block or pad between the jack and
the vehicle.
3. Lift the vehicle with the jack, making sure the jack
is centered on the front lifting point.