When to Check and What to Use
The hydraulic clutch fluid
reservoir cap has this
symbol on it. See Engine
Compartment Overview on
page 5-14 for reservoir
Refer to the Maintenance Schedule for the proper
fluid to use. See Recommended Fluids and Lubricants on
page 6-14. The fluid requires changing every two years.
See Additional Required Services on page 6-6.
How to Check and Add Fluid
Visually check the clutch fluid reservoir to make sure
the fluid level is at the MIN (minimum) line on the side of
the reservoir. The hydraulic clutch fluid system should
be closed and sealed.
Do not remove the cap to check the fluid level or to
top-off the fluid level. Remove the cap only when
necessary to add the proper fluid until the level reaches
the MIN line.
Cooling System
The cooling system allows the engine to maintain the
correct working temperature.
When you decide it is safe to lift the hood, here is what
you will see:
A. Electric Engine Cooling Fan(s) (Out of View)
B. Coolant Surge Tank and Pressure Cap